Introduction to Volume 20, Issue 1

Our November 2024 essay is “Teaching UX: Amid the Hype of Generative AI,” by Jason Tham. From the perspective of a university faculty member in a technical communication program, the essay tackles institutional concerns, professional expectations, and ethical considerations related to the use of AI in UX education. This issue also includes two research papers: […] [Read More]

Teaching UX: Amid the Hype of Generative AI

Some Background I am a faculty member in a technical communication program at a comprehensive research university. Recently, I have been inundated with questions, concerns, and critiques about the rise of augmentation technologies in writing and design processes, particularly generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools that support chat-based text generation and text-to-image production. I’m sure many […] [Read More]

Response Instability in User Experience Questionnaires

Abstract Surveys are a widely used method for evaluating a product’s user experience. UX surveys include items that ask participants to express their perceptions of various aspects of UX quality including efficiency, learnability, user interface aesthetics, or joy of use. One common item format is a statement to which participants can indicate their level of […] [Read More]

Addressing Usability and Complexity in Procurement of IT Systems

Abstract Procuring a complex IT system is a challenge for public and private organizations regardless of whether they obtain a ready-made or customized solution. Challenges include proper definitions of requirements, technical implementation, and organizational integration. Because many user groups within an organization use these complex IT systems for different tasks, usability is multifaceted. This study […] [Read More]

Introduction to Volume 19, Issue 4

Our August 2024 essay is “Why UX Professionals Need to Care About Product-Market Fit,” by Bill Albert. The essay describes what product-market fit (PMF) is and how UX research and practice can contribute to achieving PMF. This issue also includes two research papers. One is on simulated user experiences in self-driving cars, and the other […] [Read More]

Why UX Professionals Need to Care About Product-Market Fit

Introduction Most UX professionals, at some point in their careers, find themselves evaluating a product or service that should have never seen the light of day. I am certainly one of those UX professionals, and in fact, on more than one occasion, I was left wondering why I was evaluating a product that the target […] [Read More]

Enhancing Work and Entertainment Experience During Automated Driving: A Study in Interior Design

Abstract As vehicles integrate driving automation, the driver’s role evolves into that of a passenger. During highly automated driving (SAE Level 4), the driver is no longer responsible for driving but can engage in non-driving related tasks (NDRT), such as working or consuming entertainment. Hence, highly automated driving changes user needs and their requirements for […] [Read More]

Assessing SPARS’ Usability: An Aggregate Reporting Tool for Workplace Violence 

Abstract Approximately 17 million workplace violence (WPV) events occur each year in healthcare settings in the United States. However, the majority of these events go undocumented. This study introduces a novel solution to this pervasive challenge by accommodating the socio-technical barriers that hinder WPV reporting among healthcare workers. As a minimum viable product, the Safety […] [Read More]