Articles by Apala Lahiri Chavan

headshot of author Apala Lahiri ChavanApala is the Co-founder, Human Factors International APAC and the Global Chief of Technical Staff. She earned a doctorate in user experience design. She is a world-renowned UX expert with several publications and talks to her credit. Her articles “User Research vs Market Research” and “The Washing Machine That Ate the Sari” regularly appear in top 10 UX article lists the world over.

Global-Local Dynamics: Strategies for Cross-Cultural UX Design in a Globalized World

Introduction We live in a connected world in which people and places are closer than ever, thanks to advances in technology and transportation. This interconnectedness has opened huge global markets for products and services which, for designers, presents both exciting opportunities and tough challenges. Designing for people from different cultures is difficult because it involves […] [Read More]