Editorial Board


Editors in Chief

Bill Albert Greenlight Idea Lab

Jim Lewis MeasuringU

Editorial Reviewers

Rebecca Baker Forging UX

Carol Barnum UX Firm

Jason Buhle University of Southern California

Karen Cham Kingston University

Roberto Champney Louisiana State University

Christina Youngmi Choi Royal College of Art

Gilbert Cockton Universities of Sunderland and Northumbria

Richard Cordes IBM 

Ralph Cullen Workday

Steven de la Vaux U.S. Bank

Jonathan Ericson Bentley University

Bahar Khayamian Esfahani BP

Jean Fox US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Ryan Freeland Magnit

Erin Friess University of North Texas

Catherine D Gaddy UX and Human Factors Consultant

Morten Hertzum Roskilde University

Tharon Howard Clemson University

William Hudson Syntagm Ltd

Wonil Hwang Soongsil University

Auzita Irani Airbnb

Philip Kortum Rice University

Mary Lalomia Meta Platforms, Inc

Mary Lee VMware

Beth Loring Loring Human Factors, LLC

Jen McGinn VMware

Paul McInerney CIBC

Barbara Millet University of Miami

Carl J. Pearson Reddit, Inc.

Ginny Redish Consultant

Bernard Rummel SAP SE

Jeff Sauro MeasuringU

Bob Schumacher Bold Insight UK

Paul Sherman ShermanUX

Jeff Sokolov Wolters Kluwer

Ken Stern Key Lime Interactive

Iman Tahamtan University of Tennessee, Knoxville and JPMorgan Chase

Jason Tham Texas Tech University

Brian Traynor Mount Royal University

Brian Utesch Cisco Systems

Chance York Mozilla

Editorial Assistant

Nicole Force Magical Western, LLC

Production and Website

Josh Rosenberg DonorsChoose

UXPA Director of Publications

Andrew Schall Mayo Clinic

Editors in Chief Emeritus

Avi Parush (Founding Editor) Carleton University and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Joe Dumas Oracle

Marilyn Tremaine Rutgers University


The Journal of User Experience extends a special thank you to Susan Dray, Arnie Lund, Ginny Redish, Jakob Nielsen, and Jeff Rubin, whose guidance helped get JUX off the ground and evolve into what it has become today.