For the November 2021 issue, the invited essay is “Dual Cognitive UXD and Explainable AI” by Karen Cham, Raida Shakiry, and Carl Yates. They describe research in eCommerce and games UX that provides a foundation for dual cognitive, or deep UXD, to understand relationships between biometrics, persuasion, and ethical UX design to support the development of human-centered AIs.
In addition to the essay, this issue includes two methodological research papers—one on heuristics and the other comparing two data collection methods used in surveys.
The first article is “Development and Use of Heuristics to Evaluate Neonatal Medical Devices for Use in Low-Resource Settings,” by Jake Johnston and colleagues. They developed and evaluated heuristics for use in settings like hospitals in low- and middle-income countries to evaluate and discover usability issues with neonatal medical devices. Their results support the ability of domain-specific heuristics to identify potential usability problems that would not be captured using only standard heuristics.
The second article is “Comparison of Select-All-That-Apply Items with Yes/No Forced Choice Items,” by James R. Lewis and Jeff Sauro. They investigated magnitudes of selection rates from select-all-that-apply (SATA) grids with yes/no forced choice grids and series of individual yes/no forced choice items, finding little difference in selection rates but a significant user preference for SATA grids.