Articles by James R. (Jim) Lewis, Ph.D
Dr. Lewis is a Distinguished User Experience Researcher at MeasuringU. He has published influential papers on the assessment of perceived usability and sample size estimation for usability studies and has product experience in the design and evaluation of user interfaces (graphical, spoken, mobile), including having been the lead interaction designer for the product widely regarded as the first smart phone, the Simon. He is on over 90 US patents and has over 100 publications. His five books include Practical Speech User Interface Design and, with Jeff Sauro, Quantifying the User Experience and Surveying the User Experience. In 2021 he was inducted into the Academy of Medicine, Engineering, and Science of Florida.
Introduction to Volume 12, Issue 1, November 2016
For our November issue, Dr. Jeff Sauro has contributed an editorial on “The Challenges and Opportunities of Measuring the User Experience.” Dr. Sauro provides a breakdown of the steps needed to start a corporate program in quantifying the user experience, including the identification of key performance indicators and identification of top tasks. He also addresses […] [Read More]
Introduction to Volume 11, Issue 4, August 2016
Journal of Usability Studies – Editors in Chief We are delighted to publish an editorial by Dana Chisnell titled “Democracy Is a Design Problem.” In her editorial Chisnell begins by describing the 2000 Election in the US, specifically how the design of the ballot in Palm Beach County may have impacted the presidential election. Chisnell […] [Read More]
Introduction to Volume 11, Issue 3, May 2016
Bill Albert and Jim Lewis Journal of Usability Studies–Co-Editors in ChiefJournal of Usability Studies, Volume 11, Issue 3, May, 2016 For our May issue, Professor Morten Hertzum has contributed an editorial on “Usability Testing: Too Early? Too Much Talking? Too Many Problems?” In his editorial Professor Hertzum takes a look at current practices in usability testing. […] [Read More]
When Perishing Isn’t a Problem: Publication Tips for Practitioners
I took my first course in experimental psychology in the mid-1970s. As part of our lab assignments, we were required to write reports in APA style for each experiment we conducted. The instructor told us that as experimental psychologists our publications would be the only permanent record of our work. Furthermore, if we pursued a […] [Read More]
The Roles of Health Literacy, Numeracy, and Graph Literacy on the Usability of the VA’s Personal Health Record by Veterans
Abstract Personal Health Records (PHRs) that are tethered to electronic medical health systems are applications that can significantly enhance patients’ health and health care. The primary aim of this research was to examine the roles of health literacy, numeracy ability, and graph literacy in enabling a group of veterans to perform health-management tasks using My […] [Read More]
When 100% Really Isn’t 100%: Improving the Accuracy of Small-Sample Estimates of Completion Rates
Abstract Small sample sizes are a fact of life for most usability practitioners. This can lead to serious measurement problems, especially when making binary measurements such as successful task completion rates (p). The computation of confidence intervals helps by establishing the likely boundaries of measurement, but there is still a question of how to compute […] [Read More]