Articles by Rolf Molich

Mr. Molich manages DialogDesign, a small Danish usability consultancy. He conceived and coordinated the Comparative Usability Evaluation (CUE) studies where more than 140 usability professionals evaluated the same applications. He is the co-inventor of the heuristic inspection method (with Jakob Nielsen). He received the UXPA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2014.

Letter to the Editors of JUX

I appreciate that JUX is publishing papers by promising young UX professionals, such as “Talking About Thinking Aloud: Perspectives from Interactive Think-Aloud Practitioners,” by Liam O’Brien and Stephanie Wilson, in Volume 18, Issue 3, of the Journal of User Experience. The authors of this article are clear about what they did; for example, they interviewed […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

[:en]How Professionals Moderate Usability Tests[:]

[:en] Abstract This paper reports how 15 experienced usability professionals and one team of two graduate students moderated usability tests. The purpose of the study is to investigate the approaches to moderation used by experienced professionals. Based on this work, we present our analysis of some of the characteristics that distinguish good from poor moderation. […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Rent a Car in Just 0, 60, 240 or 1,217 Seconds? – Comparative Usability Measurement, CUE-8

Abstract This paper reports on the approach and results of CUE-8, the eighth in a series of Comparative Usability Evaluation studies. Fifteen experienced professional usability teams simultaneously and independently measured a baseline for the usability of the car rental website The CUE-8 study documented a wide difference in measurement approaches. Teams that used similar […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

A Commentary of “How To Specify the Participant Group Size for Usability Studies: A Practitioner’s Guide” by R. Macefield

[:en] Note: This commentary is discussing an article previously published in the Journal of Usability Studies. Read it here. Introduction Today, no usability conference seems to be complete without one or more heated debates on participant group sizes for usability studies (Bevan, 2003; Molich, Bachmann, Biesterfeldt, & Quesenbery, 2010). In this respect, Macefield’s recent article […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Making Usability Recommendations Useful and Usable

Abstract This paper evaluates the quality of recommendations for improving a user interface resulting from a usability evaluation. The study compares usability comments written by different authors, but describing similar usability issues. The usability comments were provided by 17 professional teams who independently evaluated the usability of the website for the Hotel Pennsylvania in New […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]