Articles by Madeline J Hallewell
Dr. Hallewell is a Research Fellow in Human Factors at the University of Nottingham where she also completed a PhD in Education. She has a background in teaching social sciences. As a mixed methods researcher, her research interests center around how human-environment interactions can affect learning, wellbeing, and performance. @MaddyJHallewell
[:en]Deriving UX Dimensions for Future Autonomous Taxi Interface Design[:]
[:en] Abstract Advances in autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies mean that driverless taxis could become a part of everyday life in cities within the next decade. We present a user-design activity leading to the development of an experience-design framework for autonomous taxi services of the future based on end-user expectations. We used Mozilla Hubs by Mozilla™ […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]
[:en]Deriving Personas to Inform HMI Design for Future Autonomous Taxis: A Case Study on User Requirement Elicitation[:]
[:en] Abstract Automated Vehicle Mobility-as-a-Service (AV MaaS)—or autonomous taxis—are expected to offer an inexpensive, mobility-on-demand service supporting greater sustainable transportation systems, including “last mile” solutions. However, to date, little is understood about how different people, whose needs and requirements may vary considerably, will best be supported to use these vehicles when there is no human […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]