Articles by Diogo Gomes
Dr. Gomes holds a bachelor's in computers and Telematics Engineering (2003) and PhD in Telecommunications (2009) from the University of Aveiro where he currently is an Assistant Professor. He has participated in several EU projects, being the coordinator of H2020-5GASP. His research interests are Applications and Services for Telecommunications.
[:en]Analyzing and Visualizing the Criticality of Issues from Usability Tests[:]
[:en] Abstract A common issue that occurs after conducting usability tests is how to prioritize issues for the next design iteration, that is, which should enter production first. It is also necessary to prioritize these issues in an easy-to-understand manner for internal stakeholders and in accordance with their criticality. With these two goals in mind, […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]