All May 2020: Volume 15, Issue 3 articles
Introduction to Volume 15, Issue 3
Our May 2020 issue features an essay from Bernard Rummel, “About Time: A Practitioner’s Guide to Task Completion Time Analysis.” This essay brings together lines of research that he has published in the Journal of Usability Studies, formatted to help practitioners understand how to get more out of time-on-task data collected in usability studies. In […] [Read More]
Invited Essay: About Time: A Practitioner’s Guide to Task Completion Time Analysis
Prologue In early 2012, I was in charge of defining SAP’s quantitative usability testing methodology. In search for a sound and solid efficiency KPI, I pondered the statistical properties of task completion times. Several papers (e.g., Sauro & Lewis, 2010) stated those times were not normally distributed, but what was their distribution? The distribution tests […] [Read More]
SUSapp: A Free Mobile Application That Makes the System Usability Scale (SUS) Easier to Administer
Abstract The System Usability Scale (SUS), created by Brooke (1996), is a widely used measure to assess subjective usability. However, few digital tools have been created to help collect the required data and compute SUS scores, which rely upon a formula that is complex. The aim of the project was to develop an open-source iOS […] [Read More]
User Evaluation of Low-Cost, Non-Invasive Methods for Heart-Rate Measurement
Abstract Heart rate constitutes one of the most important physiological parameters for humans and is linked to the prognosis of several diseases. Moreover, its unobtrusive measurement is necessary in several real-life applications, such as remote monitoring of older adults or infants, or monitoring people while driving or exercising. Most state-of-the art methods are able to […] [Read More]
Testing Usability of the Eye Health Evidence Gap Map
Abstract Evidence gap maps (EGMs) are a visual tool for presenting the state of evidence in particular thematic areas relevant to international development, with the aim of providing easy access to the best available evidence and highlighting gaps in knowledge. There is little evidence to indicate how people use and interact with them. Usability testing […] [Read More]