Articles by Joe Dumas

Dr. Joseph Dumas is a nationally recognized leader in the human-computer interaction profession and is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Usability Studies. He is the author of three books: Designing User Interfaces for Software (1988), A Practical Guide to Usability Testing (1993; 1999) with Ginny Redish, and Moderating Usability Tests: Principles & Practices for Interacting (2008) with Beth Loring. He has published dozens of papers in the popular and research literature, including a chapter on Usability Testing for three editions of the Human-Computer Interaction Handbook. He has held positions in industry - for Oracle Corporation and academia - for Bentley University where he taught in its graduate Human Factors program. He is currently consulting with Oracle on strategic projects. He received his PhD. in Cognitive Psychology from State University of New York at Buffalo.

Introduction to Volume 9, Issue 1

We are delighted to publish an editorial by Tharon Howard (and many others) on “The UTEST Community: Celebrating 20 Years of a Safe Place for UX Discussions.” In this editorial the authors provide a fascinating history of the UTEST online community, the secrets to its success, and what the UTEST members think about their community. […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Introduction to Volume 8, Issue 4

We are pleased to publish this special issue of the journal. As the guest editors explain in their introduction, the papers were first presented, in shortened form, at The Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) held in 2012. The papers focus on early stage development of new technologies to assist the disabled […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Welcome Bill Albert

Dr. Bill Albert has joined the staff of the journal. While he has been on its editorial board since 2009, Bill and I will now manage the publication of JUS issues and the direction of the journal as joint Editors in Chief. Bill is Executive Director of the Design and Usability Center and Adjunct Professor […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Introduction to Volume 8, Issue 3

With this issue we begin a series of editorials and peer-reviewed articles on how user experience methods fit into an Agile development process. We are pleased to have an editorial by Diana DeMarco Brown, author of the 2012 book, Agile User Experience Design: A Practitioner’s Guide to Making It Work. She describes five myths about […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Special Thanks to Marilyn Tremaine

Marilyn has decided to step down from being Co-Editor in Chief of JUS so that she can spend more time on other aspects of her long and successful professional career. During her tenure at the journal she has taken the lead in promoting the journal to professionals in user experience and related disciplines. She also […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Introduction to Volume 8, Issue 2

We have a special treat in this issue. John Brooke has written an essay about the history and current status of the System Usability Scale (SUS), a usability questionnaire that has become very popular with user experience professionals for the measurement of perceived usability. John relates why he created the scale more than 25 years […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]

Introduction to Volume 8, Issue 1

With this issue, we start the eighth year of JUS. We thought it was time to look back over the first seven years to see if we are meeting the objectives that UXPA established for the journal. We examined the 77 papers that were published between November 2005 and February 2012. We looked at where […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]