Articles by Bill Albert, PhD
Dr. Albert is Founder and Principal of Greenlight Idea Lab, the only global agency exclusively focused on concept and product validation. Prior to Greenlight Idea Lab, Bill was Senior Vice President and Global Head of Customer Experience at Mach49, a growth incubator for global businesses, and Executive Director of the User Experience Center and Adjunct Professor in Human Factors in Information Design at Bentley University. He has more than 20 peer-reviewed publications and has presented his work in user experience at more than 50 national and international conferences. He co-wrote (with Tom Tullis) the first book on UX metrics, Measuring the User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting UX Metrics (third edition published in 2022), spawning the quantitative movement in UX. He received his PhD from Boston University. He completed a post-doc at Nissan Cambridge Basic Research with a focus on cognitive demands in the use of navigation systems.
Reliability of Self-Reported Awareness Measures Based on Eye Tracking
Abstract Participants in a usability evaluation are often asked whether they noticed certain elements after some level of interaction with a design. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of self-reported awareness measures using eye tracking data. Participants were shown 20 popular homepages for 7 seconds each and then asked afterwards if […] [Read More]