Articles by Alyaa Al-Jasim
Alyaa Al-Jasim has a Master of Universal Design of ICT and is currently a Microsoft 365 consultant at Oslo Utdanningsetaten. Her professional and research interests lie at the intersection of user interfaces, systems, and service orientation. She was born in Iraq and moved to Norway in 2013. Her future interests lie in her contribution to ensure that all the systems are universally designed.
Designing User Interface Toggles for Usability
Abstract Toggles are used extensively by all major software vendors and often in the form of sliders. Although they mostly all share an on oroff functionality, there are differences in how designers and developers represent these actions in the user interface. There can also be differences in the kind of state changes these toggles operate. […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]