Articles by Vincent Koenig, PhD
Dr. Koenig is a senior research scientist at the University of Luxembourg, heading the HCI research group and usability lab, part of the Institute of Cognitive Science and Assessment. His work covers: User-centered design, usability, user experience, computer-based assessment, automotive HCI, gamification, and usable and socio-technical security.
Lab Testing Beyond Usability: Challenges and Recommendations for Assessing User Experiences
Abstract In the “third wave” of human-computer interaction (HCI), the advent of the conceptual approach of UX broadens and changes the HCI landscape. Methods approved before, mainly within the conceptual approach of usability, are still widely used, and yet their adequacy for UX evaluation remains uncertain in many applications. Laboratory testing is undoubtedly the most […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]