Articles by Patrick Langdon
Dr. Langdon has been conducting research in the EDC since 1998 and is recently managing and leading an Inclusive Design project (i~design3). He is part of the EU research group (GUIDE project) and the India-UK project IU-ATC. He is editor of five books in the field on Universal Accessibility & Assistive Technology and has published a number of journal and conference papers.
Special Issue of the Journal of Usability Studies: Designing Inclusive Systems
The Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) is held every other year at a UK Cambridge University college. CWUAAT ’12 was part of this series, started in 2002, that presents research from the international inclusive design community. It is a unique multi-disciplinary workshop, where designers, computer scientists, engineers, architects, human factors specialists, […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]
Inclusive Design Advisor: Understanding the Design Practice Before Developing Inclusivity Tools
Abstract This paper describes an exploratory study investigating ways to accommodate inclusive design techniques and tools within industrial design practices. The approach of our research is that by making only small changes in design features, designers end up with more inclusive products. Our research group examined how to enable designers to make design decisions toward […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]