Articles by Karen Cham
Prof. Cham has over 25 years of experience in digital product and service design and the digital transformation of human factors. Clients include EY, Which?, FDM, TopShop, and NHS. She is an international UX keynote speaker and competition judge, and for the University of Brighton, she led the first UK5G testbed for product and service development. She is on the Board of the UK Govts pension scheme with 12m users advising on CX and Fintech transformation.
[:en]Invited Essay: Dual Cognitive UXD and Explainable AI[:]
[:en] We are in an age where route to market for technological innovation is unimpeded by even the simplest of safety checks. Computer vision, for example, cannot differentiate the side of a lorry from an open patch of sky when “driving” an autonomous vehicle, whilst iris and facial recognition technologies are rolled out as infallible […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]