Articles by Carol Smith
Ms. Smith is a Senior Research Scientist in Human-Machine Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute and an adjunct instructor for CMU’s HCII program. She has been conducting UX research to improve the human experience across industries for 18 years and working to improve AI systems since 2015. She has served two terms on the UXPA international board and is currently an Editor for the Journal of Usability Studies. She holds an M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction from DePaul University.
[:en]Invited Essay: Intentionally Ethical AI Experiences[:]
[:en] Books, movies, and culture, in general, have elevated artificial intelligence (AI) as the answer to everything, while simultaneously training generations of us to dread AI. Recent events have brought some of our worst technology fears to light. Those now infamous AI systems likely began with poor or heavily biased content, inadequate training, and most […] [Read More阅读详情자세히 읽기Leia mais続きを読むLeer más]