Introduction to Volume 19, Issue 2

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Our February 2024 essay is “Designing for Trust: The Crucial Role in Digital User Experiences,” by Vandhana Bhaskaran. The essay describes the importance of designing for trust to create user experiences that establish sustainable customer relationships.

This issue also includes two research papers, both on adaptations of well-known standardized UX questionnaires (SUS and UEQ). 

The issue ends with a special section with commentary and an author response for a paper published in our May 2023 issue, “Talking About Thinking Aloud: Perspectives from Interactive Think-Aloud Practitioners.”

The first article is “ESUS: Aligning and Simplifying SUS for Enterprise Applications,” by Stephen Schneider, Serena Hillman, Paula Bach, and Guoping Ma. The authors conducted psychometric research to develop a short (5-item) questionnaire for measuring the perceived usability of enterprise applications.

The second article is “Generalized User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-G): Holistic Measurement of Multimodal UX,” by Chase S. Boothe, Lesley Strawderman, Reuben F. Burch V, Brian K. Smith, Cindy L. Bethel, and Kate Holmes. The authors describe the psychometric research they conducted to modify the User Experience Questionnaire for the evaluation of multimodal experiences.

The special section with commentary and response to “Talking About Thinking Aloud” starts with a short introduction by the Editors of JUX, Jim Lewis and Bill Albert. Next is a letter to the editors by Rolf Molich in which he expresses some concerns about the paper. The special section ends with the authors’ (Liam O’Brien and Stephanie Wilson) response to the commentary.