Articles by Carol Barnum

Dr. Barnum is co-founder of UX Firm, a UX research consulting company. She conducts research for clients in all sectors, using a variety of tools and techniques. She is the author of 6 books including Usability Testing Essentials: Ready, Set…Test! (2nd edition.)

(English) How Professionals Moderate Usability Tests

(English) Invited Essay: The State of UX Research

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. [(English) Read More]

Overlap, Influence, Intertwining: The Interplay of UX and Technical Communication

Note: In the first part of this essay, Ginny Redish extracts highlights from and builds on her recently-published commentary (Redish, 2010) about the intertwined history of technical communication and user experience. In the second part, Carol Barnum asks deep questions about roles that people with technical communication training have—and could have—within user experience (UX). Part […] [(English) Read More]