Articles by Celeste Lyn Paul
Dr. Paul is a Computer Scientist in the Visual Analytics Research group at the U.S. Department of Defense. She received her PhD in Human-Centered Computing from the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
Analyzing Card-Sorting Data Using Graph Visualization
Abstract This paper describes a method for visualizing and analyzing co-occurrence in card-sorting data. Card sorting is a popular knowledge elicitation method used in information architecture and user experience design. However, analyzing card-sorting data can be a challenge. Detailed qualitative analysis is difficult and time consuming, especially for larger studies. Quantitative analysis can be automated […] [(English) Read More]
A Modified Delphi Approach to a New Card Sorting Methodology
Abstract Open card sorting is used by information architects to gather insights from users to incorporate feedback into an information architecture. In theory, it is one of the more inexpensive, user-centered design methods available to practitioners, but hidden costs make it less likely to be conducted properly and affect the quality of results produced. The […] [(English) Read More]